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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

02.19 "Perfect Day"(Lou Reed)


This was quite an active day…

As I woke up I heard on the PA that there were Orcas on starboard. I looked and saw nothing, so I went to the bathroom and 10 minutes later decided to look again… and I saw no Orcas, but 6 seals swimming! It was lovely to see them moving synchronously above and under water, quite fast… then saw 1 orca fin… then 2 fins in the middle of the seals… a couple of munutes later I saw a couple of seals, that changed direction like 90 degrees and no more orca fins… and then the seals disappeared and I saw what seemed 2 humpback whale dorsal fins…  then saw blow of 4 whales… then nothing else over the quiet waters. I was breathless, and of course u have no pix to prove the experience; I'm not so worried since I don't think I'll ever forget it! 

Later we went kayaking into a bay surrounded by glaciers; I heard 2 big avalanches and witnessed half of one of them (Basia was faster than I to spot the avalanches… maybe she hears frequencies I've lost due to my "musical abuses"?):)

As we returned, I rushed for the next activity planned: after coordinating with co-cobspirators (Basia was completely unaware), it was time for "Wedding part II" !!! It was done at Paradise Bay (Base Almirante Brown, Argentina). Below is a picture after the fact with the "priest" (this is Dave's, the excellent photographer of the expedition)

Later that same day I went kayaking again and ended up in Port Lockroy, a British base that has a museum, gift shop and post office!

Since this was not enough for a day, later I did a Polar Plunge into the Antarctic Ocean… twice!! (It was so weird the sensation of pinpricks over all the surface of the skin that I had to do it again):)

To close the glorious day, that night I listened to our kayak-master-resident-rockstar Scotty Mack (from the Canadian band "More Please") and continued drinking and then dancing till sleepy time arrived 3:30 in the morning… quite an active day, indeed!

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