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Saturday, May 3, 2014

05.03 "Enjoy The Silence"(Depeche Mode)

"…all I ever wanted, all I ever needed
is here, in my arms
words are very unnecessary
they can only do harm"

My favorite song of Depeche Mode reverberates in my mind every time I explore the realm that exists beyond logic… in that realm you can only use expressions with terms familiar to us but in a combination that defies our comprehension:

Hear the Silence
See the Darkness
Touch the Void
Smell Time
Taste Space
Experience Nothingness

The crude attempt to use words to express what cannot be expressed with words only emphasizes the idea that the only way to reach that realm is through practice of activities that help you control and later transcend your body. 

As Chuang Tzu expressed: 

"The purpose of a fishtrap is to catch fish, and when the fish are caught, the trap is forgotten.
The purpose of a rabbit snare is to catch rabbits. When the rabbits are caught, the snare is forgotten. 
The purpose of words is to convey ideas. When the ideas are grasped, the words are forgotten. 
Where can I find a man who has forgotten words? He is the one I would like to talk to."

Early morning at Pranayama (breathing techniques) I had a very interesting conversation with our instructor Tanmay. From time to time it is nice to get in touch with people that share the same unorthodox viewpoint on Life, The Universe and Everything ;)

After Pranayama we did Asanas with Vivek on a sand bank by the Ganga.  Amazing!

Since today was the last day of doing Asanas, Sunno (with Vivek, our Yoga instructors) had the GREAT idea to do "abdominal asanas"… I could feel how the massage of the abdominal organs was releasing tensions… and at the end comes the relaxation… suddenly I realized my Spirit was dwelling in my intestines and had a firm intention yo start an Astral Voyage… I still can't believe how I managed to avoid farting several times!!

After releasing many Spirits in the comfort of loneliness, it was time for  meditation practice. Our teacher is again Tanmay, and we performed the third day of Kundalini Meditation. It was another great experience; each one has been different but in all I felt intense energy. In the last one a realization came to me… one of those elegantly beautiful ideas I can't discard. It was an interesting correlation between chakras and the planets in the solar system:

Mercury (hottest planet)
Venus (sex chakra)
Earth (gravity center; solar plexus, hara)
Mars (heart)
Jupiter (throat)
Saturn (Kronos, Time, pineal, melatonin…)
Uranus (axis inclined 90 degrees… so the flow of its energy is perpendicular to other planets, just like to crown chakra)

Before dinner, our Brazilian artist Camila performed a Contemporary Dance that she graciously dedicated to all of us and Ganga. 

Poor Basia is still feeling up and mostly down after 2 days. Abdominal cramping is very debilitating, as I have experienced myself. Hopefully tomorrow she'll be fully recovered for our next adventure…

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