… the roar of the river fades in…
It is 1am and I realize I am thirsty and also need to pee. I finally accept I have to drink water (and I did) and then leave the hard yet warm cocoon and go to the front if the tent… it is tightly closed. I consider opening a small gap between the tied flaps of the entrance and pee thru it… after a try I realize I'll pee all over the gap… I am starting getting desperate; my bladder starts screaming. I look desperately around among the casseroles and Tupperwares for a container to pee and, after an internal struggle, I conclude I can't be such an asshole. Finally, I decide to untie the Gordian knot and get out. After a few minutes, I leave the warmth of the uterine tent thru a birth canal to the cold outside…
"It's full of stars"!
The view is impressive: the moon is hidden by the mountains so I can see a clean dark sky with millions of shiny blinking silver dots. On top, it's not that cold. Surprised I notice it is already 2 a.m. I pee; I feel immensely happy, I watch the stars again and a chill breeze whisper in my ears "get in again 'cos it'll get colder", so I crawl back into comfort.
It is not until I am back into the sleeping bag that I need to use my inhaler. Delayed effect of the cold air? (maybe) Allergens/dust inside tent? (no, I didn't need it when I woke up) A bit of anxiety for fighting to close the zipper of the sleeping bag and just a little bit of physical effort in general above a low fitness threshold? (most likely). After a puff and a few mins of nothingness, the roar of the river fades away…
… as I hear the river again, I realize I am awake and there is no return to the funny yet a bit frustrating dreams I was having. It is 6 a.m.; too cold to get out, too early to wake everyone… I work on the blog and read.
Around 8am all are awake and I get out, breathe, walk to a stream by the river and the song comes to me:
"Take me down the river
And out to sea
Catch me adrift,
Send me to sail
Just one last kiss
Before raising hell
Beyond the pale…
Beyond the pale"
1032a start trek
~1054 start going uphill
1111 horse over roof
1137 nth stop going up ;)
It's funny how we ask Iqbal a question as simple a possible and he always answers just whatever is in his mind regarding just a part of the question.
1200p stop. Highest point.
1214 start downhill
1239 …where horse over roof
1256 road
118p Camp
Basia is such a generous person; I still have a lot to learn from her on how to give something even if you like it a lot!
After "lunch" (couple of slices of bread and honey), already packed, we had to wait till 445pm, so we chilled and played cards.
Time to return to the houseboat! (were there ca. 620p)
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