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Sunday, April 6, 2014

04.06 "Holiday In Cambodia"(Dead Kennedys)/"The Age Of Greed"(KillingJoke)

Siem Reap

The first song title was chosen to fill the void left by my refusal to go to the Landmine Museum, or go to the Killing Fields near Phnom Penh and related museums (NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: that will change in 2 days…) What happened as a consequence of the power struggles of the Cold War in SE Asia was (and still is) horrible. I went to a museum in Vietnam last year and saw all I needed to see about the insanity of war in this lifetime. During the whole history of Mankind, the cruelty exerted in wartime has only been limited by the technological advance… and in the last century, technology has advanced a lot. Sadly, humans are not only satisfied exerting dominance over other human… they also abuse Nature. Mankind has to overcome this instinct, or hopefully will go extinct before sterilizing Mother Earth (we don't have the technology yet… but it's jus a matter of time). 

The best analogy I found is to compare this aspect of Mankind to a cancer that does not stop until it kills the host… an itself. 

Digging further in my heart, gut and brain, I've come to a number one source of dehumanization I have decided to fight: Greed. And that is the reason for the 2nd song title of the day. And greed is not only limited to the rich and powerful: it is in all of us; even a poor hawker can be greedier than a rich banker… it is the intensity of the desire to have more than you need, even if it implies taking from others the minimum they need to have a decent life… I feel until we eradicate Greed from Mankind, we shouldn't call ourselves Human. 

After brunch we dedicated time to work on this journal. I stayed longer on the terrace absorbing more sunlight (since Australia my body must have produced more Vitamin D than in the previous year!). Floating in the water of a shallow pool, I reached a few instances of quite deep relaxation of body and mind. Later, drying out under the semi-cloudy sunshine and cool breeze, I feel for some seconds pricks all over my body that remind me the ones of the Polar plunge in Antarctica (although with less intensity). 

Life is much tastier in Peace. 

Lonely and Timeless, I can practice  an exercise my Spirit truly enjoys: no matter what issues distract my Mind and take It to dispair inside my self-created labyrinth of worries and disappointments, I just need to breathe deep and let the Sun and Wind show the exit… as my Mind floats unconcerned towards the light, I am free again…

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