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Monday, April 28, 2014

04.28 "Death Is The Road To Awe"(Clint Mansell + Kronos Quartet)


Mahatma Yogi Ashram in Rishikesh is a simple place, but it shimmers in lovely energy.

These were our daily activities (with some variations) every day:

6:00a Purification
6:40a Pranayama (breathing exercises)
8:00a Asanas
9:30a Breakfast
11:00a Lectures on Yoga
1:00p Lunch 
5:30p Asanas
7:30p Meditation
8:30p Dinner
~11:00p Sleep

As an intro to the spiritual exploration we expect to have in this retreat, I'll briefly explain "Oscar's Gospel About Life, The Universe and Everything". Please do not believe it; I don't believe it. Just use it to think/feel for yourself… or to make fun of me ;)

The title song is from the movie "The Fountain" and refers to the concept expressed in different ways in almost all religions: you must die (physically, spiritually, intellectually) to be born again in a higher level of awareness. Death is then just a transition, a crisis that leads to a higher level of understanding. But, as we die every night and are reborn every morning changing very little, the physical death (if reincarnation exists) does not change a lot our evolution. The simple accumulation of experiences should suffice to eventually "pass to the next level" but if you want to rush, disciplines like asanas, martial arts, meditation, etc will help you go faster. I still wonder "why go faster"? I have no answer to that; I feel I have to go faster, so I am floating towards the center of the River of Life…

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